The Grau Law Firm

Representative Matters

Examples of representative matters in recent years of Andrew’s career include:

  • Sale of a multi-entity insurance business for over $30 million
  • Tax-free reorganization and sale of a software company for over $50 million
  • Sale of an auto dealership and real estate for over $35 million
  • Sale of a medical packaging business which required anti-trust approval for over $100 million
  • Sale of a home health care business for over $60 million
  • Sale of a medical practice and associated technology business for over $20 million
  • Sale of a medical practice to a hospital, with continuing employment contracts for physicians
  • Sale of a landscaping and snow removal business for over $13 million
  • Sale of a medical consulting business for over $9 million
  • Sale of a door supplier business for over $6 million
  • Sale of a tank refurbishing business for over $20 million
  • Sale of a telecommunications hardware business for over $30 million
  • Sale of a medical malpractice insurance business for over $20 million
  • Sale of commercial real estate for over $14 million
  • Acquisition of a multi-million dollar engineering corporation
  • Acquisition of a multi-million dollar HVAC business
  • Acquisition of two large hotel businesses
  • Acquisition of an electrical engineering business and real estate
  • Acquisition of accounting practice
  • Restructure of manufacturing business for succession purposes involving family trusts; Plan and implement large lifetime gifts; Report gifts on gift tax returns
  • Complex financing restructure for a manufacturing business
  • Buyout of a retiring partner’s ownership in a manufacturing business
  • Buyout of shareholder from a family landscaping business
  • Separation of owners from a light manufacturing business
  • Administration of a multi-million dollar decedent’s estate
  • Administration of decedent’s estate involving disposition of business interests
  • Administration of decedent’s estate involving sale of real estate
  • Administration of marital trust for the benefit of surviving spouse
  • Estate plan for married couple with testamentary trusts for young children
  • Estate plan for individual including charitable bequests
  • Establish irrevocable life insurance trusts for high net worth couple
  • Formation of entity to acquire title to real estate
  • Startup formation of new technology business
  • Negotiate and draft shareholders’ agreement among second generation owners following departure of founding generation
  • Negotiate and draft shareholders’ agreements and operating agreements between siblings for numerous entities in a family business
  • Recapitalize corporation into voting and non-voting classes of stock to facilitate buy-in of new shareholders
  • Form non-profit private foundation and obtain tax exempt status from IRS
  • Successful appeal of erroneous imposition of realty transfer tax